Compare McMeal Prices
Location | Price / USD |
New York City (USA) | 9.00 |
United States (your country) | 8.00 |
Location | Index |
New York City (USA) | 100 |
United States (your country) | 89 |
Region | Price / USD (range) |
Africa | 3.35 - 7.80 |
Americas | 4.36 - 8.71 |
Asia | 3.00 - 15.10 |
Europe | 3.27 - 14.97 |
Oceania | 8.46 - 9.17 |
Source: NUMBEO –
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Compare the McMeal Price in your country with the McMeal Price in all world regions. If you have linked directly from a country page (and data are available), this country will also be shown. In all other cases, New York City (USA) will be used as a point of reference. To view the McMeal Price of the countries in a specific region, click on the region in the table.
The data shown are April 2021 data. McMeal Price is the price in USD of a McMeal at McDonald’s (or an equivalent Combo Meal). If you have linked directly from a country page (and data available), the index shown will have your country as a reference (index 100). In all other cases, New York City (USA) will be a point of reference (index 100). If the McMeal Price Index of a country is, for example, 160, it means that the McMeal Price in the country is 60% greater than the McMeal Price in the country of reference. The McMeal Price range for a specific region shows the minimum and maximum values of the McMeal Prices in the countries belonging to that region.
For data collection, NUMBEO relies on user inputs and manually collected data from authoritative sources (websites of supermarkets, taxi company websites, governmental institutions, newspaper articles, other surveys, etc.). NUMBEO collects data as described in Methodology and motivation for Numbeo.